Code Of Ethics


  • Objectives
  • Adoption
  • Distribution



Section I

  • Competition
  • Relationships
  • With external interlocutors
  • With customers or buyers
  • With suppliers
  • Environment

Section II

Reletionships with employees

  • Work
  • Safety and health



  • Prevention
  • Checks
  • Penalities




In full agreement with the views expressed and protected by the association system to which it adheres, EA is aware of contributing with its work, with a sense of responsibility and moral integrity, to Italian economic development and civil improvement in the country.

The company believes in the value of work and considers legality, fairness and transparency of actions essential prerequisites for the achievement of its economic, productive and corporate objectives.



This Code of Ethics was adopted by the Company by a special resolution.

Through the adoption of the Code, Elettronica Aster S.p.a. established a set of rules regarding:

  • conduct in relationships with external interlocutors, employees, the market and the environment, who internal and external business activities, requiring compliance by all employees, consultants and, to the extent applicable, external interlocutors;
  • the organization and management of Aster, aimed at creating an efficient and effective planning, execution and control system relating to its business activities, so as to ensure full compliance with rules of conduct and to prevent their violation by any person ster informs about its acting for IT'S AT.



Ideclare to have read the privacy policy for the processing of my personal data The Code shall be widely distributed internally and is available to any interlocutor of Elettronica Aster S.p.Elettronica Aster S.p.a.

A Copy of the present Code is sent to the professional Association which EA adheres.

Each Aster employee is required to know and comply with the provisions of the Code; EA carefully monitors compliance with the Code by providing adequate information, prevention and control tools and intervening, if necessary, with corrective actions.



This Code may be amended or addicted by resolution of the Board of Administration also on the basis of the suggestions and information coming from the Supervisory Body.


Rules of Conduct

Section I: External relationships


Elettronica Aster S.p.a. believes in free and fair competition and conducts its activities in a manner aimed at achieving competitive results that reward skills, experience and efficiency.

Elettronica Aster S.p.a. and his colleagues must behave correctly in the business activities and in the interest of EA and its relationships with II declare to have read the privacy pollcy for the processing of my personal data 25 public authorities.

Any action aimed at adversely affecting the condition of fair competition oppose the company policy of EA and any person acting for EA is required to prevent any of such violation.

Under no circumstances may the pursuit of Elettronica Aster Spa's interests justify conduct by the top management or EA 's collaborators which does not abide with current laws or comply with the rules of this Code.

In all external communications, information concerning EA and its activitics must be truthful, clear and verifiable.



With external interlocutors

The relationships of Elettronica Aster S.p.a. with any party, whether public or private, must be conducted in accordance with the law and in accordance with principles of fairness, transparency and verifiability.

In particular, relationships with public employees must comply with the principles and provisions of the President of the Council of Minister's Decree of 28 November 2000 (Code of Conduct of public authority employees).

Gifts of any kind that may even appear to exceed normal commercial practices or courtesy, or are aimed at obtaining favorable treatment in the conduct of any activity, are prohibited.

In relation to public authority representatives or employees, it is prohibited to attempt to establish, or to actually established personal relationships that favor, influence, interfere with, or may affect, directly or indirectly, the outcome of said relationships; offers of goods or other I declare to have read the privacy.policy for the processing of my personal data O Codice_etico_engl.pdf benefits to representatives, officials or employees of public authorities are also prohibited, also through third parties, except in the case of gifts of modest value that conform to custom that cannot be understood as being aimed at seeking undue favors.

Electronics Aster S.P.a. does not provide contributions or other benefits to political parties or trade unions, or their representatives, if not in compliance with applicable regulations.


With customers or buyers

Aster bases its activities on the criterion of quality, essentially with the objective of complete customer satisfaction.

In relationships with customers and buyers, Elettronica Aster S.P.a. ensures fairness and clarity in commercial negotiations and in the undertaking of contractual obligations, as well as faithful and diligent compliance with contractual requirements.

When participating is tenders, EA carefully assesses When participating in appropriateness and feasibility of the required services, particularly with regard to the technical and economic conditions, as well as the safety and environmental aspects, ensuring, where possible, prompt identification of any anomalies.

Tenders shall be prepared in a manner that ensures compliance with appropriate qualitative standards, appropriate remuneration for employees and current safety and environmental protection measures.

Ea shall only resort to litigation when its legitimate claims are not duly satisfied.

In conducting negotiations of any kind, it is always necessary to avoid situations in which the parties involved in the transactions are or may appear in conflict of interest.


With suppliers

The relationships with the suppliers of EA, including financial and consultancy contracts, are governed by the rules of the present Code and are constantly and carefully supervised by Aster.

Elettronica Aster S.p.a avails of contractors or subco operate in accordance with the regulations in force and with the provisions of the present Code.



The production activities are managed in compliance with the current environmental regulations.

Elettronica Aster S.p.a. undertakes to disseminate and consolidate, among all its employees and subcontractors, a culture of environmental protection and pollution prevention, developing awareness of risks and promoting responsible behavior by all employees.


Section II: relationships with employees


EA acknowledges the importance of human resources as success factor for business, in a climate of fairness and mutual trust between the employer and its workers.

The whole staff are hired by EA under regular employment contract.

Employment relationships are realized in compliance with the contractual provisions agreements, as well as social security, tax and insurance legislation.

Elettronica Aster S.P.a. promotes continuous improvement of its employees' professionalism, also through the performance of training initiatives.


Safety and health

EA ensures the physical and moral integrity of its collaborators, as well as working conditions respecting the human dignity, safe and healthy workplaces in full compliance with the laws in force concerning injury prevention and respect for workers in the workplaces including temporary or mobile construction sites. Elettronica Aster S.p.a. performs its organisational and economic conditions that ensure adequate accident prevention and a healthy and safe working environment.

Elettronica Aster S.p.a. undertakes to disseminate and consolidate, among all its employees and subcontractors, a culture of safety, developing risk awareness and promoting their responsible behavior.


Implementation methods


In accordance with current legislation and with a view to the planning and management of company activities aimed at efficiency, fairness, transparency and quality, EA takes organizational and management measures to prevent unlawful conduct or conduct that is in any case contrary to the rules of this Code by any party acting for the Company.

Due to the consistency of the business activities and organizational complexity, Elettronica Aster S.p.a. has adopted a system of delegation of powers and functions, expressly and specifically appointing persons with suitable skills and competences to cover corporate positions.

In relation to the extension of delegated powers, Aster adopts and applies organizational and management models that provide for measures to censure the performance of activities in accordance with the law and rules of conduct of this Code, and to identify and promptly eliminate risk situations.



EA follows specific control procedures to verify the behavioral compliance of anyone acting for the company or in relation to the same concerning applicable laws and the rules of conduct of this Code.



Complying with the rules of the present Code by Aster's employees is an essential part of the contractual obligations pursuant to the art. 2104 of the civil code. Any violation of the present Code's rules may be considered as a violation of the primary obligations of the rules of discipline and can entail the consequences provided by law.
